This Blog aims to:

This Blog aims to share with and let people know that there are MANY examples of people out there making a positive difference in people's lives. They are making the world a better place and so can you. All great things have small beginnings. Join me in my mission to make the Shining Lights Collective a reality

Friday, 22 June 2012

I challenge you!

One person can make a difference, it's a fact, if even only a relatively small difference it can still be a step in the 'right' direction. Multiply this by ten, a thousand, a million and you can quickly see just how much of an enormous impact we can have.

What's that you say? You smell a Pyramid scheme coming on? Well in some respects you are right but i won't charge a single cent, with the only cost involved being the courage to realise you CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Anyone remember Kevin Spacey's "Pay it Forward"? Where the movie is based around a kid who significantly helped 3 people, who then helped 3 people each? so on so forth. I loved this movie and it's simple idea/message and believed that perhaps i too one day could help somehow.

Here's an example of something i randomly decided to do at work the other day. It was a friday morning/day shift, a short one notorious for being slow customer wise. I really wasn't in the mood to have the day drag on, so i decided i would have some fun with it. The challenge i set for myself was to see how many customers i could make laugh. By the end of the 5 hour shift i counted not 1, not 10....but no less then 80! Staff members on shift became interested to see just many i could achieve. It was possibly the most fun ive ever had on shift so i decided to post on the staff facebook page and urge my fellow work mates to take up the challenge to see if anyone could match my number or beat it. If everyone took up the challenge i think we would become a place to go for the customer service, not just our movies. To this date, i dont know if anyone has taken up my challenge.

Now, you don't have to do what i did, that's not the point of this post. My challenge to you is simple: brighten at least one person's day, each day, limited only by your means. Here are some general suggestions :)

1. Make someone laugh
2. Get someone to smile
3. Talk to someone who looks lonely
4.  Go out of your way to help someone

Id really love to hear about your efforts, either through a post linked to this blog or a comment posted below. I strongly believe we CAN AND WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I urge you to NOT SIMPLY READ THIS BLOG but to TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE!! :)

Thankyou and goodnight, good morning & good afternoon


  1. I love how much you want to make the world a better place. I'm going to try making as many people laugh as possible at work on Monday. I'll try and beat 80, but I'm not sure if I serve that many people at KFC.

  2. Awesome and thanks! I look forward to hearing about your efforts. Im actually quite inspired at the moment, so much so, that i have created the SHINING LIGHTS MOVEMENT...i have no idea if it will become anything but i hope it will make a difference.
